
Hi, I'm Shelby 👋🏼
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Sometimes I write about tech, sometimes I write about other stuff. Whatever brought you here, I hope you enjoy reading it :]

speaker/author bio

short bio

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Shelby Spees is a site reliability engineer who's been making the tech industry more accessible and equitable through better engineering practices since 2015. Shelby lives in Los Angeles, CA, where she enjoys making up songs about her rescue pitbull, Nova.

full bio

512 characters

Shelby Spees is a site reliability engineer who's been making the tech industry more accessible and equitable through better engineering practices since 2015.

Shelby joined Equinix Metal in 2021 to implement distributed tracing and service-level objectives for the bare-metal provisioning process. She's helping build a sustainable cloud engineering org—without firefighting and burnout.

Shelby lives in Los Angeles, CA, where she enjoys drinking iced lattes and making up songs about her rescue pitbull, Nova.